PolyRhythm Metronome

by Jorg K

Music & Audio


PolyRhythm Metronome with visualisation

This is the long-awaited port of Jorg Ks "Metronome for Poly-Rhythm" to Android. It features:* Many different rhythm patterns.* Many different click sounds.* A second optional rhythm. Finally you can practise "2 against 3".* "Tap tempo" function.* Visual representation.* Stereo: One rhythm one the left, the second one on the right, when you use headphones.Rodolfo Amaral de Almeida, music teacher from Spain, says: "This is the best metronome on the planet. There is no other software or physical device that allows this".This app does not spy on you, it requires no permissions, and it contains no ads.The app requires a phone that will support audio output at 22050 Hz or at least 11025 Hz. Most modern phones do support these rates. If youre not sure, download this free app to test your phone: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jorgk.SamplingRatesThere is a "try before you buy" option: Visit the developers website at www.jorgk.com/music and try the JAVA version which will run on PCs and Macs.One note of caution: The metronome might not sound even on older phones at high beats per minute.2019 refresh

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Would give it 5 if you had the reverb with a wet/dry slider or something. Distortion would be awesome too but with a slider to turn it down or off.

Jason Steffen

So close. This has enormous potential for having multiple poly rhythm clicks... But that reverb kills it for me. The clicks need to be sharp. Is the reverberation on the midi instrument sample? It's on every sample I select it's interfering with the unemphasised clicks making it must l muddy and undefined. Not useful for practicing with, you can't tell.


The reverb really does ruin this

Buzz Knudson

Tons of functionality for a free app!

Cameron Lehman

Great app but would be great if you could turn off the reverb.

Tschäff Reisberg

Useless - too much reverb

William Boyer


Ray Grimmer

Good and polyrythmic

Residence Lie


Don Smith